PhD Students - 40th cycle / 2024

Biomedical curriculum
Pierluigi Mercatante

Title of the scholarship: “Molecular, clinical and functional aspects for the characterization of aging trajectories”

Host University: University of Calabria

Supervisor: Giuseppe Passarino

Benedetta Genta

Title of the scholarship:“Effect of multimorbidity on fecal biomarkers: potential tools for the early identification of complex diseases associated to ageing”

Host University: University of Turin

Supervisor: Paola Costelli

Antonietta Buonaiuto

Title of the scholarship: “Impact of rare diseases on healthy aging“

Host University: University of Naples 

Supervisor: Guido Iaccarino

Marco Capacci

Title of the scholarship:  “Pathophysiologic mechanisms of the ageing process of cardiovascular system”

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: : Stefano Fumagalli

Alessia Labate

Title of the scholarship: “Molecular mechanisms underlying mitochondrial dysfunction in senescent T cells”

Host University: University of Turin

Supervisor: Andrea Graziani

Cinzia Destefanis

Title of the scholarship: “Innovative policies for prevention of noncommunicable diseases across the life course: a European, national, and local view”

Host University: University of Turin 

Supervisor: Fulvio Ricceri

Riccardo Nadalini

Title of the scholarship: “Study of innovative prognostic markers in the treatment of degenerated
intervertebral disc”

Host University: University of Ferrara  

Supervisor:  Maria Letizia Penolazzi 

Ariadna Uxue Palomino Ylla

Title of the scholarship: “Characterization of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders by analysis of
omics and neuroimaging data”

Host University: Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa

Supervisor: : Alessandro Cellerino

Lorenzo Frilli

Title of the scholarship: “Human organoids to conceive and develop new pharmacological resources dedicated to the treatment of frailty throughout the course of life”

Host University: University of Turin

Supervisor: Francesco Neri

Maria Giovanna Cataldi

Title of the scholarship: “Human organoids to conceive and develop new pharmacological resources dedicated to the treatment of frailty throughout the course of life”

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: Carlo Dani

Giulia Pierucci

Title of the scholarship: “Experimental and Clinical Geriatrics”

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: Andrea Ungar

Maria Emanuela Ragosta

Title of the scholarship: “Impact of environmental pollution on male fertility: study of the exposome to identify new risk factors, new diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets”

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: Giulia Rastrelli

Psychological curriculum
Matilde Sparacino

Title of the scholarship: “Predicting intimate breaking Up: toward a positive transition“

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: Annalaura Nocentini

Marta Ciabatti

Title of the scholarship: “Transitions during adulthood: gender roles and psychosocial wellbeing”

Host University: University of Florence

SupervisorCamilla Matera

Socio-demographic curriculum
Federica Prete

Title of the scholarship: “Human Longevity and Its Demographic and Social Consequences”

Host University: University of Rome “La Sapienza”

Supervisor: Alessandra De Rose

Damiano Leo

Title of the scholarship: “Poverty and Social Vulnerability During the Life Cycle”

Host University: University of Siena

Supervisor: Gianni Betti

Martina Boaretto

Title of the scholarship: “Demography and health of refugees between Africa, Europe and Italy”

Host University: University of Padua

Supervisor: Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna

Oskar Lindström

Title of the scholarship: “Family dynamics under conditions of economic uncertainty”

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: Raffaele Guetto

Sara Rebottini

Title of the scholarship: “Social Frailty, and Health in the Adult and Old Population”

Host University: Libera Università di Bolzano

Supervisor: Giulia Cavrini

Caterina Del Balso

Title of the scholarship: “Employment, behaviour, wellbeing, health and mortality: a life course approach”

Host University: University of Molise

Supervisor: Cecilia Tomassini

Biagio Iacolare

Title of the scholarship: “International migration and geographical settlement: integration processes and socio-demographic issues”

Host University: University of Naples

Supervisor: Salvatore Strozza, Giuseppe Gabrielli

Maria Chiara Corgiolu

Title of the scholarship: “Smart technologies and old people: analyses, tools and models for active ageing”

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: Elena Pirani

Davide Soldati

Title of the scholarship: “New Research Perspectives in Family Demography”

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: Daniele Vignoli, Raffaele Guetto

Francesco Tata

Title of the scholarship: “New Research Perspectives in Social Demography”

Host University: University of Florence

Supervisor: Daniele Vignoli

Mattia Capelli

Title of the scholarship: “The integration along life course ”

Host University: University of Milano-Bicocca

Supervisor: Laura Terzera

Sharon Picco

Title of the scholarship: “Fertility decisions, parents’ well-being, child development”

Host University: University of Turin

Supervisor: : Chiara Pronzato

Roberta Defazio

Title of the scholarship: “Changing population age structure and migrations: exploring the relationships between and within territories”

Host University: University of Bari

Supervisor: Anna Paterno

Yiran Wang

Title of the scholarship: “A data-driven approach to promote effective actions in reducing health inequalities: Exploring and mitigating the determinants of morbidity and mortality”

Host University: University of Venezia

Supervisor: Gaia Bertarelli

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